Monday, March 23, 2009


We all love to hate celebrities for their inhuman bodies and their lifestyles of the rich and famous.  While I don't have the answers to the rich and famous part (today) - I DO have the answer to the bangin' body part: YOGA.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Meg Ryan, Madonna, Jennifer Anniston and Uma Thurman are just a few of the celebs who claim that yoga got them the bod that rakes in all the dough.  

Don't hate.  It actually works.  You TOO can have a yogarific body.  It trains your mind to be calm, balanced and productive.  It also lengthens your muscles leaving you strong and lean.  You don't have to be a pretzel or in shape to start yoga... but you may be after some careful dedication.  

There are dozens of yoga facilities, over 75% of US gyms teach yoga classes, there are countless DVDs and you can watch classes online (or get podcasts from itunes and take it with you somewhere).  I personally, like to do yoga in my room.  I mean, there really is no good excuse not to work out if you don't have to put on shoes and leave the house.  Right?

After lots of experimentation and yelling at evil instructors online, I found this: Yoga Today.  This site uploads a new video each day with an hour long class.  You can just as easily scroll through the archives and choose a different class with a difficulty or theme fit for you.  And, each class is taught outdoors somewhere beautiful, helping you stop thinking about the chaos that abounds around you.
Yoga is a fun thing to learn because it's an internationally recognized exercise that is easy to travel with, like running.  I would love to actually be sitting on the mountain tops in Minnesota or next to a lake in Wyoming, but I am always in my living room.  I wish I had gotten into this sooner and could have done yoga like the people in the picture below at the top of the Sydney Towers.    
So don't hate on celebs that give credit to yoga for those bodies.  Save the hatred to the ones who say it's just "genes" - yeah effing right.  It really does work if you're loyal to it.  At the very least, it gives you a moment in the day to just breathe. OHMMMM

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