Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The sun came out and I didn't have a jacket on and I immediately started thinking about DRESSES!  

(Sorry boys, but this is still a helpful read for you.  A girl's style and choice of outfit when she's going to be seeing you can tell you a lot about her.  If she claims it doesn't, she's frumpy.  Move on.)  

I love dresses.  Last Spring in Australia, I spent more on drinks and dresses than I did on food [I have since been in a constant state of BROKE].  I love dresses so much that I was caught in a blizzard last year and nearly froze [until finding someone to hitch-hike with] because I insisted on wearing a dress.  

You could say it's the California in me that makes me love the free-flowing material and possibilities of bright colors, or the child inside who loves to twirl around, but really I just unexplainably LOVE dresses.  

I cannot wait till the first thought of the day will be 'what dress to wear' again.  Now, I am not your source for extreme fashion advice but I've never been called fugly or had someone turn away in disgust.  So, I'm guessing I semi-know what I'm talking about.  

My next dress purchase will be a cute, simply elegant dress for graduation (AHHH).  So, I went onto .  You don't have to shop designer, but if you're going to... use a discount website like this one.  And if you're poor like me, go to a site like this and choose your tasteful favorites and look elsewhere for a similar look.

Here are some of my favorite finds for Spring/Summer:    

Sophisticated Wrap: Perfect for Dinner, Drinks with the Girls, Family Party or Office

 You're a Star in this one.  Rock this out at a club, a swanky poolside party or a celeb meet and greet.  (Please just loose the hideous shoes this model has insisted on...barf).

Adorable, chic.  This is appropriate for almost any activity and can be dressed up or down with shoes.  A girly blazer and simple pumps make this workable or cute silver flats and a long, embellished necklace makes it perfect for a day of shopping or brunch with your sweetheart.

 Date night.  This dress with amazing 4 inch heels will have you rockin' the dress and his world.  Save this one for July because the colors will have your then perfect tan POP and you'll feel just as amazing as this dress looks on a hanger.  

 Totally Gabs.  While I would wear everyone of these dresses in a split second, I think most of my friends would pick out an outfit like this for me... probably because I own a variation of it in about six colors.  It's versatile, cool (for the weather) and completely innocent and fresh.  Leave something to the imagination, right?  

 Sex sells.  I don't care where you're going... wear this.  It DEFINITELY leaves something to the imagination while letting you show off those shimmering legs and reign as dominatrix of the summer.  If the weather's hot, why can't you be?!

 Sexy and Sleek.  This dress is fancy and summery.  It's perfect for a formal cocktail party or a dinner cruise.  The sleeves are embellished and ad just the weight this silky dress needs to balance it out as well as an aesthetic, girly quality.  

 Jet-Setter.  This look is HOT.  It's perfect to stay cool and still hit up the hotel bar and get the cute guy down the way to buy you something with a cherry and an umbrella.  Live it up social diva.  (Also, olive skin and brown hair/eyes... wear blue.  You'll get that drink.)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy this for me.  Not only is it totally original, it's DVF and has POCKETS!  Pockets are a god-sent invention in the dress world.  You are free to be YOU and not worry about lugging around some purse that prohibits spontaneity.  The empire waist, the ribbon and the keys make this a winning look.  

Oh, how I love dresses.    

1 comment:

Marisa said...

this post is STYLEYZE approved!!! love it!