Monday, September 14, 2009

NYC Style

I spent another beautiful sunny afternoon in NYC doing what the unemployed do best: wander.  

First, my day was destined for greatness when I discovered something that could only exist in NYC... an ice-cream-type truck that sold gourmet cupcakes (on Lex and 86th):

Later, I continued a food-filled day with friends at NYC's version of the California classic, In-N-Out, called the SHAKE SHACK in Madison Square Park.  I noticed this place while passing a few days earlier because of its MASSIVE LINES!  I knew it had to be good.  So, I spent half an hour or so in line, getting insanely hungry, waiting to place my order for a Shack Burger (complete with secret sauce, patty, American cheese, onions, pickles, lettuce and tomato-YUM)

My favorite part of this place is its BRANDING (surprised?  you shouldn't be.)  They TOTALLY build a brand off of the fact that their lines are stupidly long and people actually wait in them!  This was a two hour-long lunch for me and it wasn't even at a restaurant... you order and then pick your food up at a window and seating is a free for all.  Anyways, they sell baby onsies that read "I waited 9 months; this line is nothing."  They also have a T-shirt, among many others, with the popular I HEART NYC arrangement.  However, where the heart normally sits, is instead a picture of the Shake Shack - complete with endlessly long line wrapping around the garment.  Hey, if you've got a flaw, flaunt it. 

Later, I walked down 10th, between 2nd and 3rd, (passing this cool sculpture on the right) and found an amazing flee market with quality stuff.  I picked up some much needed salt and pepper shakers for 2 bucks (one table down from a lady that tried selling me hers for 10 dollars!) and a "real" pearl choker necklace for $3.  The fabulous-looking older woman insisted that she had no use for her precious jewelry at her age and was selling it cheap because it had all been given to her by rich men when she was younger.  Even if those pearls aren't real, they sure provided me with some story-telling entertainment.  My favorite part of sorting through other people's junk/treasures was this band:       
After, I decided to walk home (I walked 40 blocks, gave up and rode the subway).  Along the way, I stopped to read (another joy of being unemployed) in Madison Sq. Park and admire this artwork:

and view:

I Love NYC.

1 comment:

coolmom said...

I am glad you are enjoying your new home. Soon when you land that big job you wont have the time to wander and learn. by the way, where is my cool jewelry?