Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ad of the Day: NYC's Lotto Campaign

As a new NYC subway rider, I am still amused by the constantly changing subway ads inside the cars (better than looking at the smelly weirdoes around you.)
Last week, Ted pointed out this ad - one I had looked over and not paid much attention to for two reasons:
  1. It's very plain/basic - I prefer wit.
  2. It's for the lottery, something I can't risk the only dollar I have on.
While the ad did nothing for me, his liking for it amused me and I became interested in it. Who is their target? Why 'SWEET MILLION'?

The SWEET MILLION is the name of the lotto game where you have 'the best chance to win a million for just a buck.'

When I saw the commercials, I became more interested. The concept is simplicity. One dollar. Easy commitment. That's sweet.

Here's DDB's commercial correlating with the one-dollar-lotto.

To me, this ad seems to be a 4 in the morning, laughable idea pitched to the NYC Lotto people who happen to be 80 year old grandmas who love their cats and their grandchildren's pet chicks. WHO CAME UP WITH THIS?!

Yes, while gaining a million dollars would be sweet... I hardly associate it with pigs in pajamas. Maybe they are hinting that their commercial is just as realistic as people actually winning anything from their dollar investment... just a thought.

Anyways, the campaign DID make me look it up. Maybe just because advertising intrigues me, or maybe many people are looking further into this Sweet Million. If that's the case, then I think this is a brilliant campaign. Their site, while it carries on the absurd cutesy pet thing, is modern/ delivers a clear message and has 'legs.'

The mini-site features:
  • The logo on the top left.
  • The tagline next to kittens sitting atop a dreamlike cloud.
  • The motto of the campaign under in green.
  • Link to the NY Lotto mainpage in the balloon on the right.
  • Info about it with the bunnies. Last week's numbers with the chicks. And an option to become a fan on facebook or share on a number of other Social Media sites with the pup.
The ABOUT section is dreamlike and possibly appeals to off their rocker people or drugged lunatics. I'll admit, it is amusing.

Please notice the rainbow, flying dolphins holding the banner, the plethora of domesticated farm animals and the kitty who glides across the screen for each option you choose on the bottom bar.

I don't understand HOW on earth the creative team got from A. One dollar lotto with million dollar prize and B. "Sweet million is sweeter than sweet. Which is sweet." to Crazy animal themes campaign and print ads with floating, almost border-less dollars BUT they did.
And they are doing it well - with the integration of a strong tagline, a microsite and social media.

(I apologize for the multiple lotto posts, however, it is interesting to note how mainstream the ads are becoming - how commercial. Now that we are in an economic recession, the lottery is appealing to more than just the middle of the country farmer bumpkins... it's for the urban subway riders and indebted Americans. So go buy your lotto tickets if you're into the whole Sweet Pet thing.)

1 comment:

coolmom said...

So I get it! This ad shows you that winning the lotto is going to happen when kittens sit on clouds and pigs sleep in pjs! That is about the chance you have in winning. It is "Sweet" to know that now...