Monday, September 7, 2009

Excuse me?

So, I moved last week from Boston to NYC (yay) and had to stop at a rest-stop on the way.  This is what I saw:

There are so many things wrong with this picture:
  1. I witnessed this mess and realized that humans are the weirdest, most nonsensical living organisms on earth.
  2. There is a woman shredding paper at a rest-stop (notice the McDonald's cup).
  3. It was 11PM.
  4. She was shredding many pieces of paper that come from the part of a notebook between the spirals and the sheet you tear out.
Basically, this just confuses me.  How am I going into a business that requires understanding how people think and behave when oddballs like this exist to throw off the curve?    

Oh and just an extra pic of things that confuse me....

There are no words... 

Actually this behavior is completely inexcusable.  What would Stacey and Clinton say?  Someone today actually told me CLOGS (no, he is not Dutch) are comfortable and therefor acceptable.  Does that mean socks and sandals are allowed?  The obvious answer is NO.  Maybe the solution to world peace is FASHION POLICE.  There is individuality and there is ugly.  

So, please weirdoes, sort yourselves out.      

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