Monday, April 13, 2009

The World is Your Canvas

There is literally no object too boring for an advertiser and no surface that's untouchable to an artist... especially in Melbourne.  

Designer Axel Peemoeller, and team from emerystudio, gained the world's attention with the Eureka Tower Carpark project, in Melbourne.  The 2-D/3-D drawings are illusions that can be read perfectly when standing at the right angle and act as a 'way-finding-system' in the parking garage.

Notice the "Down" picture shows how when standing at the right angle, the word is clear but from a close-side view, the word is distorted.

These designs are said to be inspired by the work of Swiss artist Felice Varini.

1 comment:

Christina Cromeyer aka Nina said...

This is so cool! How do they do it? And how do they even come up with that....? Tres kewl.