Friday, April 3, 2009

What's in a Word?

Do you ever find yourself working on something where you have to use the same word multiple times and you start to question its pronunciation or spelling?  Like the word the?  Then you get all theoretical and wonder about the meanings we assign to groups of letters we call words for some reason?  

Well, the brilliant people at the 'Washington Post' knew that people had this tendency and came up with a clever contest that takes advantage of this. They asked people to take a word and alter the spelling slightly to give it a new meaning.  These are a few of my favorite winners:
  • intaxication - the act of experiencing euphoria from getting a tax return, which lasts only until you eventually realize it was always YOUR money
  • bozone - the substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating
  • sarchasm - the disconnect between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it
Then, they gave common words to people and had them change the meanings.   
  • esplanade - to attempt an explanation while drunk
  • coffee - the person upon whom ones coughs 
  • wily nilly - impotent
  • balderdash - a rapidly receding hairline
  • gargoyle - olive oil flavored mouth wash
  • testicle - a funny question on an exam 
Have any words of your own? Ones you think that you have better meanings for or words that you think should exist in the dictionary?  Comment and share!

Try meanings for: Sofa, wings, hazelnut and lubricant

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