Saturday, April 11, 2009

Teach for America... Only if it's a Good Fit

Lately, Teach for America has become a lot more than its intended do good program.  It has become a shelter, a money-making scheme and a safety net.  With the economy being what it is, college graduates are seeking to teach within the Unites States for two years, while making a steady income, in order to avoid the current job market.  
Note:  This is one of the most intricately developed, new-way teaching systems in the US.  It serves a wonderful purpose of enlightening America's youth and showing them what they can be if they go to college, and providing students with a greater opportunity for smaller class size and teacher attention in areas that are lacking.
HOWEVER, Teach for America is now attracting college grads who do not necessarily believe in all of this.  They just want to productively avoid the catastrophe that is this market.  Being college grads, they are SMART which is where the problem lies.  A highly intelligent person may be able to master the 4-part interview process and secure a position in the program.  Then, we are left with the classic teacher-without-true-passion problem. 
Teach for America these days is what our parents called the Peace Corps.  It was the safe, productive way to do something admirable and avoid being a real adult - by society's standards.  Now, with the Peace Corps not being so peaceful, students are looking to stay in the country.
Luckily, there are other things to do than be a fake teacher (once again, only if taking the position without true passion).  
Please, if you are one of these fake people, save the position for someone who wanted it before the market sank into a big black hole.

Recently, while using StumbleUpon, I found a website about travel.  After exploring the site that offered to show me how to travel for FREE, I found an article about traveling by BOAT.  I thought, yeah right, that sounds EXPENSIVE.  Then, the author quickly refuted my idea by providing 3 sites that help you pair up with a ship captain where you work some role on the ship and travel the world for FREE.  Within minutes, I was tempted to click to travel to the Bahamas, Portugal and more!  
Remember the wonderful term gap year?  (Where you graduated and traveled and then thought about a job)  Well, why fall victim to society's rule of go-go-go?  Take a "break" and be more productive than you'll ever be working in some soul-sucking cubicle just because you're supposed to.  
Convinced?  Check these sites out:

That's not the only option either.  Just take a minute, step back and think... where do I want to be in a year?  

Here ?

 Or here?  

Moral, for those of you who aren't keeping up, DON'T LET THE ECONOMY TAKE YOUR SOUL TOO.  DO WHAT YOU'RE PASSIONATE ABOUT AND THINGS WILL BOUNCE BACK MUCH QUICKER AND MORE PEACEFULLY.  If Teach for America is your passion, then go teach the kids that need you.  But, don't take advantage of the program if you're not meant to.  

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