Saturday, August 15, 2009


Advertising concept of the day: SOCIALNOMICS.

Socialnomics is, according to Eric Qualman, how social media transforms the way we live and do business.  More specifically, he qualifies it as "The ability of social media to generate exponential returns for individuals and businesses. A subset of this is that in the future we will no longer search for products and services, rather they will find us via social media." Check out his insightful blog here 

Social media is the way of the future because we have made it that way.  Facebook alone is big enough to be the 4th largest country on planet Earth.  People are fascinated by people and crave integration in an extremely segmented society.  I'd beg to differ that we are a true melting pot, but instead a bowl of many haphazard ingredients.  The internet is what is bringing people together, and faster than a central radio or television set was ever able to.  So thanks Al Gore for inventing the internet. cough cough.

Check out this telling video about social media - the path people and advertisers alike are joyfully exploring and embracing:


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