Sunday, August 23, 2009

A More Personal Note

It's been a while since my blog served as a portal for my random thoughts to escape from.  So please, bear with me and possibly enjoy...

I am moving from Boston to NYC on Sunday/Monday.  (Watch out, there's a new G.G. in town)

That means there is a lot of loose ends to tie up, packing to be done, hair cuts to be had and nails to be done while I still have my go-to places on tap, favorite foods to be consumed and a whole lot of planning to be done.  (Did you know you have to turn off utilities and turn them on somewhere else?  - oh the things you DON'T learn in a dorm and under you parents' roof - That you have to PLAN AHEAD in a place that you only know from one day trips and movies?!)  Oh and while accomplishing all of this, I also need to work my 13 hour days of multi-family nannying!  

So someone as super organized as I am should be checking off items like a whiz off of a color-coordinated list, right? WRONG.  The list definitely exists, yet it's sitting on the counter.  Instead I am distracting myself left and right with all that the internet has to offer, while simultaneously watching my entire 85% full DVR of WHAT NOT TO WEAR (that's accomplishing something, right?)  Should I feel guilty for learning?  I'm going with NO.  The boxes can pack themselves :)

Here are some of my finds:

  • FREE THINGS TO DO IN NYC by Timeout Mag.  I am definitely looking forward to FREE yoga and bootcamp workout classes at Union Square Park compliments of YMCA.
  • Mr. Tweet.  This Guy started following me on Twitter and Direct Messaged me letting me know he had suggestions of people I should follow.  I found some great friends and exciting ad industry companies that I had never thought/known to search for!
  • SHOCKING pictures of Sharon Stone linked from Cool Hunter.  All in the name of FASHION I suppose.  (Speaking of which, FASHION WEEK in NYC Sept. 10-15 - Search Craigslist Events for working opps to get you in/near the godly white tents.)  
Oh and to top it off, I'm also designing a credit card for California Association of Realtors and freelancing for a Ski/Snowboard Travel Company creating a logo, sticker, website and more!  (More to come when the finals are approved!)  Who needs sleep when God made coffee?!

Don't worry, I assure you there has been MUCH more distraction online - many blogs and Tastespotting hours - all in the name of social media and my anthropological cravings to explore the thoughts of others.  However, the guilt of Catholic High School is setting in and I must do something useful.  

(If you know something else pretty cool that doesn't involve tape and newspaper... let me know!)  xx


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