Monday, July 20, 2009

"Cross Your Fingers"

Have you ever said "fingers crossed" and hoped it worked?  Why do you place so much trust in your fingers to bring you great amounts of luck?  I've been wondering this a lot lately as I'm resting my future in the hands of my two fingers.  

Well, this old superstitious adage, for those of you who need some reassurance too, comes from early European, pre-Christian times.  It is meant to bring luck and ward off evil spirits.  Back in the day, people believed that a cross was a symbol of unity and that benign spirits dwelt at the intersecting point.  (Hence people crossing themselves, wearing crosses, etc.)  

Then, people began crossing their index and middle fingers to bring their own good luck towards a wish of their own.  (Much like me.)

This gesture is global.  The UK's National Lottery uses crossed fingers in their logo.  So does Virginia and Oregon - talk about a good time to call for luck!      

PS.  You should know that just as lucky as crossing your fingers is, it is equally as unlucky to cross fingers on both hands.  Also, crossing fingers is a sign of lying - so always make sure you can see both sets of hands when someone is promising you something (maybe hold your grooms hands during the 'I Do' part of the ceremony).  

WISH ME LUCK!  (my fingers are getting sore).

1 comment:

Judi Holst said...

It's not luck if good things come to you soon, Brie. It's because you worked your booty off to get somewhere in life. Now, if you went and played the lottery in New York, then that would be different...ha.