Thursday, July 9, 2009

Homemade Tortillas?

Mexican food in Boston is a BIG deal.  So when my BF and I decided to grill some carne asada one night, I decided we might as well go all out.  The meal included the meat, fresh avocado slices (fresh = from Trader Joes on the East Coast), homemade jalepeno/cilantro pesto, black beans with bell peppers and HOMEMADE TORTILLAS!  
It's not like we didn't have any in the fridge already, but I had been holding onto a recipe for DYI tortillas for some time and decided that this dinner, more than any other, called for the extra touch!  Dinner was almost ready when I looked up the recipe and I'll have you know, it took me 10 minutes to make 15 mid-size tortillas, which we happily ate right off the stove.  YUM
The key to the tasty goodness - a perfect compliment to spicy foods - was to cook them without any oils on a SUPER HOT pan.  I used a cast iron skillet and made two at a time.  

The recipe is perfect.  I say, if you get it right the first time, try whole-wheat, try mixing in some garlic or some lime zest next time.  That's my next kitchen adventure!    

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