Monday, October 5, 2009

Consolidate Your Life (Online that Is)

Have you ever wished that you could go to one page when you signed online to see your shameless celeb gossip, the weather, top news (real news, not celebrity), sports scores, funny Youtube videos, real time updates of pop culture in general?

No, I'm not talking about the iGoogle page you think is so awesome or the 'top sites' option available on Safari or your ancient technique of using bookmarks. I'm not talking about Twitter either (although that could be close if you follow all the right people and they tweet in order).

I'm talking about a find that I'm not going to let slide... in fact, it's already my homepage.

Let me introduce you to your new online best friend:
You've heard of it already? Well, thanks a lot for sharing. As for the rest of you who have never fed the beast (you can suggest news stories if you find them first! Now that's street journalism combining with real journalism at it's best), ENJOY!

It's like setting the NYTimes as your homepage except that it comes complete with a 'cheat sheet' so you can 'read this, skip that' and leave home for the day or exit your office in the morning knowing all the top news, juicy gossip and essential pop culture talking points you could hope for in a jiffy. Ready to efficiently be obsessed with the web, click here!

Seriously, all the stories are true yet it's entertaining because it is such a good mix of information. How else would I have found out that they are putting a McDonald's inside of the Louvre? (Tacky much?)

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